Discover Security Threats FasterDiscover Security Threats Faster
E-Security's new tool helps companies quickly identify problems before an attack occurs
Most IT security staffs spend a huge amount of time trying to stay ahead of the onslaught of new worms, viruses, and other security threats. "We have one guy dedicated to doing nothing more than tracking this stuff from 7 a.m. to noon," says a network administrator at a major wireless services provider. His staff then spends the rest of the day installing software patches to the company's IT systems to handle the new threats found in the morning.
To make that job easier, security event-management vendor e-Security Inc. this week will unveil e-Security Advisor, a tool that analysts say will save time in discovering the many new threats that arise daily. And by tying the product with e-Security's security-event manager, it will also help companies better determine which threats are the most serious to their systems and how to fix them.
E-Security Advisor uses SecurityFocus' Attack Correlation and Vulnerability databases, which can be updated hourly. It's available now and is priced at $49,000 for an annual subscription.
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