How a Focus on Security Blind Spots Can Force Shadow IT out of the DarknessHow a Focus on Security Blind Spots Can Force Shadow IT out of the Darkness
The speed at which shadow IT can set up cloud environments is cause for concern for IT and security teams. Looking for security blind spots can help put some of the issues into focus.
November 23, 2023
It’s getting harder to secure your organization from cyber threats and attacks when the attack surface is continuously expanding. Adding to this expansion is the undeniable growth of Shadow IT – when infrastructure and services are used by an organization and its departments (think dev, finance, legal, marketing, and more) outside the purview of the IT and security teams. These ungoverned services include new business infrastructure, hosting partners, SaaS services, employees' connected apps, low-code/no-code software platforms, and more.
Gartner found that shadow IT is between 30% and 40% of IT spending in enterprise organizations, making it a constant challenge.
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