More Security In The Box: NetScreen Buying OneSecureMore Security In The Box: NetScreen Buying OneSecure
NetScreen is trying to grab a piece of the growing intrusion-detection market.
Online-security company NetScreen Technologies Inc. is adding a capability to its product lineup: intrusion detection and prevention. Through its $40.3 million buyout of OneSecure Inc., NetScreen will integrate its Intrusion Detection and Prevention System. NetScreen makes multipurpose security appliances that provide firewall, denial-of-service attack prevention, IPSec-VPN, and traffic-management capabilities.
NetScreen execs say that combining more security into a single appliance makes for better network security and easier management. And, not incidentally, NetScreen would grab a piece of the growing intrusion-detection market, which research firm IDC expects will reach $1 billion by 2005.
Users of intrusion-detection systems say these apps are notorious for sending "false positives," or alerts about breaches when none has happened. OneSecure customers have noted that the company's detection software has virtually eliminated false positives. And the app can also actively block attacks.
Nir Zuk, co-founder and chief technical officer at OneSecure, will take the newly created position of CTO at NetScreen. Before founding OneSecure, Zuk was principal engineer at Check Point Software Technologies Ltd., where he led the development of Check Point Firewall-1 and VPN-1 product lines.
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