10 Tenets Of Enterprise Data Management10 Tenets Of Enterprise Data Management
Data quality, master data management, metadata management, data warehousing architecture and data integration: These are all pieces of the data management puzzle, but rare is the enterprise that has assembled these pieces into a cohesive and coherent picture. Get it right and you can count on clean and consistent data from transaction systems and reliable insight from business intelligence systems. It doesn't end there. Your data management strategy must also consider business processes and busi
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A tenet, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is a principle, belief, or doctrine generally held to be true; especially one held in common by members of an organization, movement, or profession. Enterprise data management (EDM) is a concept that refers to the ability of an organization to precisely define, easily integrate, and effectively retrieve data for both internal applications and external communication, according to Wikipedia. EDM emphasizes data precision, granularity, and meaning and is concerned with how content is integrated into business applications as well as how it is passed along from one business process to another. What follows are ten tenets that will help you define and deliver quality data, ensuring consistency, and sufficient granularity to power business processes and empower decision makers. Technology is but one ingredient to success. Here's how to plan your strategy and get the right people and processes in place.
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