SAP Operates in the ECM ShadowsSAP Operates in the ECM Shadows
To know what's really going on within a firm or the industry in which it operates you need to watch where the money is flowing. At Open Text, money flowed out in September, as Chairman and CEO John Shakelton dumped almost all of his shareholdings. In contrast at NewGen of India it flowed in through a confirmed investment from SAP's venture arm.
To know what's really going on within a firm or the industry in which it operates you need to watch where the money is flowing.
In September money flowed in some interesting directions within the enterprise content management (ECM) sector. At Open Text it flowed out, as Chairman and CEO John Shakelton dumped almost all of his shareholdings. In contrast at NewGen in India it flowed in through a confirmed investment from SAP's venture arm (which has already invested in open source ECM player Alfresco, among others).Shakelton's move would seem to mimic those of senior management at FileNet prior to their acquisition by IBM. At the same time, SAP must make a long overdue move into ECM at some point.
In truth I do not know what these moves mean, and whether the common denominator of SAP is a coincidental one or not. In fact I will leave it to equities analysts such as my friend Paul Steep at Scotia Capital to figure it all out for us. But moves are clearly afoot, and we will continue to watch with interest to see how it all pans out.To know what's really going on within a firm or the industry in which it operates you need to watch where the money is flowing. At Open Text, money flowed out in September, as Chairman and CEO John Shakelton dumped almost all of his shareholdings. In contrast at NewGen of India it flowed in through a confirmed investment from SAP's venture arm.
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