The True End User Experience for BIThe True End User Experience for BI
This video will help you understand the essence of the end-user experience for business intelligence, and the message is delivered in ten seconds. Keep it in mind as you deploy BI more broadly...
This video will help you understand the essence of the end-user experience for business intelligence, and the message is delivered in ten seconds. Keep it in mind as you deploy BI more broadly.
The series this is part of is entitled "Mainframe: The Art of the Sale." The entire set is worth viewing. You'll learn the secrets of IT sales by spending a scant few minutes watching them.
This took me back fifteen years to district sales meetings. The mainframe is like a barn. Just remember to ABC!This video will help you understand the essence of the end-user experience for business intelligence, and the message is delivered in ten seconds. Keep it in mind as you deploy BI more broadly...
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