What Are The Best Political Blogs?What Are The Best Political Blogs?
As part of preparing to work on our new <a href="http://www.information.com/blog/main/archives/political_tech/index.html?subSection=political_tech">Political Tech</a> blog, I've been putting together a reading list of the best political blogs, newspapers, and magazines across the political spectrum. And now I'm coming to you, to share the list for your benefit and to find out if you have any recommendations.
As part of preparing to work on our new Political Tech blog, I've been putting together a reading list of the best political blogs, newspapers, and magazines across the political spectrum. And now I'm coming to you, to share the list for your benefit and to find out if you have any recommendations.I've divided the list into three groups, in order of priority: The A-list consists of blogs I'll try to read every day, the B-list is blogs I'll try to read most days, and the C-list is blogs I'll try to get to often.
Just for the heck of it, I'm color-coding these titles red for conservative and blue for liberal. I'll leave the title black where I can't figure out which way the editors lean. In many cases, I'll be wrong and in other cases even when I'm right, the owners of the blog will disagree with me. But that's fine; those kinds of binary classifications are crude tools at best, and inherently error-prone.
The list has a lot more blue in it than red. I'm not entirely comfortable with that. On the other hand, it's not like the conservative blogs on this list are weak; in particular, InstaPundit and Little Green Footballs are muscular blogs that can stand up to multiple enemies. I'm not going to add conservative blogs just for the stake of balancing the color mix. However, if you've got a strong blog to recommend and it happens to be conservative, so much the better.
Blogs and news sites are considered for this list based on having a substantial amount of political technology coverage, but not necessarily exclusive poli-tech coverage. For example, most of information's content is nonpolitical, as is Boing Boing's. Mashable is a Web 2.0 blog, and Charlie's Diary is the blog of science-fiction writer Charles Stross, who just happens to frequently comment trenchantly on politics and technology.
I'd really like to add more poli-tech blogs to the list. The only blogs with a strong focus on poli-tech, as opposed to just politics, are Boing Boing, Charlie's Diary, Freedom to Tinker, maybe Instapundit, and Techdirt.
I Can Has Cheezburger is not a political blog. However, wouldn't it be a better world if everyone read I Can Has Cheezburger every day?
And now the list:
The A-List Ars Techica Boing Boing Charlie's Diary information Making Light Mashable The New York Times The Washington Post
The B-List Eschaton Ezra Klein Freedom to Tinker Hugh Hewitt Instapundit Lawyers, Guns and Money LiberalOasis Little Green Footballs CNET News.com Political Animal Power Line Slate Magazine Talking Points Memo Techdirt
The C-List Beat the Press Crooked Timber Firedoglake Huffington Post Lessig Blog MichelleMalkin.com Orcinus Pharyngula The Carpetbagger Report The Sideshow
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