What IT Needs To Know About E-Discovery: WebcastWhat IT Needs To Know About E-Discovery: Webcast
Join me tomorrow at noon Eastern for a Webcast on IT best practices for e-discovery. We'll cover policies, products and get real-world insight from e-discovery professionals.
Join me tomorrow at noon Eastern for a Webcast on IT best practices for e-discovery. We'll cover policies, products and get real-world insight from e-discovery professionals.We'll provide best practices for safely managing, retaining and disposing of information, examine discovery technologies, and show you how to build an e-discovery team that can implement policy and respond to discovery requests on demand.
Speakers include Brandon D'Agostino, ESI Counselor at Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina. A former IT pro, Brandon now coordinates the organization's e-discovery team and ensures that IT and legal work together to make discovery as efficient and painless as possible. He'll share his real-world experiences.
We'll also hear from Brian Hill, senior analyst at Forrester Research. He'll drill down on the intersection between records management and e-discovery and get you started on best practices and policies for information management, and talk about the e-discovery product landscape.
To sign up, just click here.
The Webcast will run from noon EST to 1:00 p.m., and will include a question-and-answer session.
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