12 Money Saving Tech Tips For SMBs12 Money Saving Tech Tips For SMBs
Smaller companies are under constant pressure to maximize their performance with minimal resources. However, you can't do business without technology -- and tech means spending money, something there never seems to be quite enough of for growing businesses. You keep a vigilant eye on costs as a matter of course. So you need to be creative to get what you and your employees need -- from phone service to software to desks and chairs -- without busting the budget. No matter what your business needs
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Shifting some or even all of your servers, software, and other IT infrastructure beyond the physical walls of your business can make big sense for small firms. Cloud computing might offer significant savings not just in startup costs but also in maintenance and security.
Sometimes saving crucial cash is just a matter of shopping around for the best deal. In other cases, you may need to be more innovative in your approach, whether that means retooling existing gear or finding like-minding organizations to share costs. It could be as simple as paying attention to your bills. It might be a matter of willpower, and resisting the urge to pick up toys that are less than business-critical.
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53% Midsize Businesses Plan To Increase IT Spend
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12 Easy Ways To Cut Your Company's Tech Costs Now!
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