Are You Ready for the Attack of the Copper Thieves?Are You Ready for the Attack of the Copper Thieves?
Copper thieves cost US businesses $1 billion a year and are a threat to critical infrastructure. What can you do to prevent putting resiliency at risk?
Just when IT managers thought they had accounted for and addressed all possible threats to the health and well-being of their network sites, an unforeseen challenge has emerged. That is the rise in cooper thieves who turn copper lines into gold.
The cash-for-copper phenomenon is not new, but it has evolved into a nationwide problem, resulting in knocked-out lights, interrupted traffic, downed countless websites, and transportation nightmares.
In some cases, crimes are committed by drug addicts looking to get some quick cash. In other cases, crimes are committed by organized groups or opportunistic thieves, such as employees of businesses that work with metal.
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