Best Comments From The IW Blog Community: Immigration, Microsoft Vs. Linux, And MoreBest Comments From The IW Blog Community: Immigration, Microsoft Vs. Linux, And More
Our blog participants tackle whether immigration laws need to be reformed to keep good tech workers in the U.S., defend challenge-response systems as a way of fighting spam, criticize Microsoft's veiled legal threats against Linux users, and more. Read on for samples of the best recent comments on our blog posts:</p>
Our blog participants tackle whether immigration laws need to be reformed to keep good tech workers in the U.S., defend challenge-response systems as a way of fighting spam, criticize Microsoft's veiled legal threats against Linux users, and more. Read on for samples of the best recent comments on our blog posts:
Over Thanksgiving Feasts, Frustrated Immigrants Will Mull Pilgrimages To More Welcoming Shores
H-1B Abuse - the Other Side: "The American people are sick and tired of our government serving corporate America and ignoring the plight of the common man, both citizen and future immigrants. H-1B must be reformed before any cap increase. It's just not fair to the American engineer. American citizens must be considered first, then what's good for the immigrants, and lastly what is good for corporations."
Lena Reeves: "Bon Voyage Alex. Our immigration laws were never intended as a reward system for the wealthy."
Lifehacker Offers Bad Advice On Keeping Spam Off Your Cell Phone
Steve Roberts:: "I was so frustrated with email at one point I couldn't sleep. At 2 am I went to and searched for something different."
Microsoft Sits On Linux Dilemma Of Its Own Making
Steve Atty:: "If Microsoft's 'intellectual property' is in Linux then why won't they tell people what is is? At the moment Microsoft, is sounding like a landowner with a gun who threatens to shoot people if they come onto his land but wont actually tell anyone where the boundaries are."
Neil: "Microsoft's moves in this game so far closely resemble the opening moves made by SCO in their anti-Linux strategy. If I was in Microsoft's shoes, I certainly wouldn't be using SCO's game plan as a model."
Some Things Are Too Big To Plan For
Tom "The Horseman": "There will always be those of us who believe that the further man gets from the soil, the further he gets from his own humanity. I, for one, do not want to live in a nanorobotic world made artificially perfect by an artificial group of intelligences."
TiVo And Universal Advance The Copyright Conflicts
Davis Freeberg: "I'm not sure that I understand why you feel TiVo is at a greater risk to be sued for copyright violations. How is their product any different then a computer that IBM or Dell makes? Better yet, why would TiVo face a lawsuit when Apple hasn't been sued for supporting the mp3? TiVo has built tools to respect copyrighted files and isn't even supporting DivX on their new software, (which is the codec used for the majority of pirated material.)"
Brad Linder: Picking up where Davis left off, if your logic were correct copyright owners could sue television manufacturers for allowing you to watch bootleg movies on a TV screen. If TiVo were adding a BitTorrent client to its interface so you could download pirated videos from your couch, you might have a point. But that's just not the case. -- Brad Linder
Dear Democrats: Please Repeal the DMCA
Steve G.: "You should print 'I support Piracy' t-shirts. DMCA needs to be fixed, no question about it. Then, fix it. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater."
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