Memory Lane - The Web WayMemory Lane - The Web Way
Mac ad</a>, which played on TV exactly once. Y
Hard to believe, but some of the products and services we use every day really haven't been around that long -- but have evolved dramatically in the short time they've been in existence.
It's fun once in a while to look back on the origin of things, just to gawk in amazement.
For example, one of the most famous commercials in the history of television was the 1984 Superbowl Apple Mac ad, which played on TV exactly once. You can also find online the first iPod ad.
Recently, the blog have been passing around a link to the original Google site.
Got a favorite Web site? Visit the Wayback Machine, which captures Web sites as they are and stores them for future generations. (That's where the Google site above sits.)
What's your favorite geek nostalgia resource online? I'd love to hear about it: [email protected]
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