10-4 Good Buddy10-4 Good Buddy
The BrainYard - Where collaborative minds congregate.
I recently learned about acool company that is bridging the communications gap between radio and telephone.The WAVE software application from Twisted Pair allows for the seamless interaction of communications technologies regardless of the type or device: radio to radio, radio to cell phone, etc. It's currently used by the US Army, US Special Forces Command and a number of three-letter Federal agencies, and now the company is looking to expand into the enterprise market.I can see where it would translate well into the commercial sector. Imagine, for example, its value to a shipping company where employees are as likely to be on a truck radio as a phone, or a utility where techs in the field use radios to communicate.Suddenly those people can speak to one another as well as managers and co-workers back in the office--and even participate in conference calls--regardless of who's using a radio and who's on a telephone.What's cool about it is that it can fit into a UC environment, so that, for instance, employees using OCS to detect presence can see the availability states of colleagues on radios, then place calls to them as though they were using a phone. As James Mustarde, the company's Director of Corporate Marketing, put it, "Knowing where people are is great, but it doesnt get you far if you cant actually communicate with them."
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