A Stealthy Cloudworker EffortA Stealthy Cloudworker Effort
The BrainYard - Where collaborative minds congregate.
As Melanie posted yesterday cloudworker won the contest to replace telecommuter in the Plantronics contest. As you might know, that was my dog in the fight, so obviously I am pleased about winning. This is the beginning, not the end.But what I am really posting about is an exciting stealth nonprofit effort, being developed by an innovation/design company, WilsonCoLab, to do more with the cloudworker idea. I can't say much more right now, but their vision is very exciting, and of course, I am pretty pleased that the idea inspired somebody to actually do something interesting. I am helping them launch by donating most of the prizes I won ($1500 worth, of the $2000 grand prize bundle).So watch this space. It should be an interesting effort! And thanks all who voted. You can follow developments on the cloudworker front by keeping an eye on this page (where I am posting blogosphere reactions and additional details), or by following me on twitter.And p.s. -- the Social Media vs. Knowledge Management debate shows no signs of dying down, but I am probably not going to post more on that unless people REALLY want to hear more about that slugfest :)
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