AT&T Bundling Wireless And Wired ServicesAT&T Bundling Wireless And Wired Services
Just about every cable TV provider in the US offers bundles that include cable TV, phone service and high speed internet service. Now the phone companies are getting in on the act. AT&T is offering a new service called Talk, Text & Surf that combines DSL internet and both wired and wireless phone service.
Just about every cable TV provider in the US offers bundles that include cable TV, phone service and high speed internet service. Now the phone companies are getting in on the act. AT&T is offering a new service called Talk, Text & Surf that combines DSL internet and both wired and wireless phone service.For $99 per month you get the following:
1.5 Mbps download DSL speed. I suspect the upload speed is in the sub-500Kpbs range, which can make uploading tons of pics or backing your PC up to an internet service painful, but otherwise is a decent package for their intended audience - those without internet or that don't need lots of bandwidth. If you have a laptop, you also get access to AT&T's Wi-Fi hotspots.
Unlimited local and long distance landline calls, with caller ID and call waiting
450 anytime rollover minutes on your wireless phone, 5,000 weekend minutes, plus unlimited mobile to mobile minutes
Unlimited texting, picture, video and instant messaging
The big item missing is wireless internet access. In fact, devices like those that run Windows Mobile, the iPhone or RIM's Blackberry are excluded from this offer. It is really designed for feature phones, not smartphones. I am sure if this is successful though, wireless data will be in a forthcoming bundle.
AT&T's position to offer this isn't unique, but they are one of the few that can do so. Verizon has the services to offer similar products in several US markets. As wireless gets more and more popular and perceived as necessary, there may be existing cellular customers that can significantly reduce their phone and internet service by taking AT&T up on their offer.
I wonder if companies like Cox or Comcast are talking to T-Mobile or Sprint to partner up for similar bundles, or even looking to outright acquire one of the smaller wireless carriers?
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