Best Ways to Celebrate May the Fourth Be With YouBest Ways to Celebrate May the Fourth Be With You
The geek holiday May the Fourth Be With You is coming up. Here's some creative ways to enjoy the holiday.
Robot Villains: What They Teach Us
Robot Villains: What They Teach Us (Click image for larger view and slideshow.)
May the Fourth be with you.
It is by far the geekiest made-up holiday based on intentional slurring of speech. But, along with "Talk Like a Pirate Day," it is also one of the best made up geeky holidays based on intentional slurring of speech. It is especially good this year with the first new Star Wars movie coming out since 1983. (We're just going to ignore those prequels. JarJar Binks never happened.)
[Excited about the new movie? Read What We Learned from the Second Star Wars Trailer.]
Most people celebrate May the Fourth be With You by forgetting it exists until someone mentions it on Facebook. A few people celebrate by watching all the movies in a row. A select few go to Star Wars conventions or put on their costumes. That is all fine and good. But if you really want to go all out, we've got some special tips for you.
We present:
The 10 Best Ways to Celebrate May the Fourth Be With You
1. Party straight through to Cinco de Mayo. I have to admit. I thought I was original with this. Then I looked on the Internet and found I'm totally behind the curve on this.
2. Go to Space Center Houston and celebrate with Padawan Boot Camp, levitation demos, and a make-your-own-lightsaber workshop.
3. Spend all day complaining that Disney owns Star Wars now.
4. Call your father and thank him for not being a Dark Lord of the Sith.
5. Spend some time with the original Most Interesting Man in the World, Lando Calrissian. By the way, is this where the first rule of Fight Club came from?
6. You can go into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters.
7. Try decorative fruit art to add to the festivities of your party.
(Image: Nicki Dugan Pogue via Flickr)
8. Ick people out by almost kissing your sister.
9. Kiss a Wookie.
10. Go dancing.
Whatever you do, May the Fourth be with you.
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