BMC Ships New Database-Management SoftwareBMC Ships New Database-Management Software
Oracle and Sybase versions of SmartDBA Recovery Management are available now.
BMC Software Inc. is shipping new database-management software that combines policy-compliance reporting and centralized management capabilities with database backup and recovery tools.
SmartDBA Recovery Management helps database administrators plan, monitor, and manage database backups and recovery and better align those tasks with business goals. The software helps database administrators define database backup and recovery policies, such as how often data must be backed up to meet regulatory requirements.
SmartDBA Recovery Management, which extends the capabilities of an earlier BMC product, SQL-BackTrack, also monitors databases to ensure compliance with database backup and recovery policies. The software provides a centralized console for managing those tasks.
The software is priced according to the size of the databases to be managed, generally starting at $5,610 per 25 Gbytes of data for Unix systems and $4,045 per 25 Gbytes of data for Windows systems. Versions of SmartDBA Recovery Management for Oracle and Sybase databases are available now, a version for IBM DB2 Universal Database will arrive next month, and a version for Microsoft's SQL Server is due to ship in December.
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