bMighty Wants To Give You A Free Computer!bMighty Wants To Give You A Free Computer!
Some lucky is going to win a free HP Compaq dc7800 Ultra Slim Desktop PC, just for subscribing to the bMighty newsletters.
Some lucky is going to win a free HP Compaq dc7800 Ultra Slim Desktop PC, just for subscribing to the bMighty newsletters.
Most times, when we review a computer, we send it back to the manufacturer when we're done with it. But after our review of the Compaq dc7800 Ultra Slim Desktop PC, HP said we could do whatever we wanted with it. And we want to give it away to a bMighty subscriber.
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The dc7800 Ultra Slim is a pretty cool computer, too, using laptop-style engineering to stuff a full-powered PC into a very small footprint. It retails for more than $700 new, and all we did was test it out for our review.
If you want a chance to win it, just click over to the subscribe to a bMighty or Small Biz Resource newsletter before February 20. We'll pull a winner out of the hat and send them the computer. Click here to go to the sweepstakes rules page and once you subscribe we'll automatically enter you giveaway.
And for those of you almost winners who don't get a new computer, you still get free access to the best bMighty and Small Biz Resource articles, news, analysis, research, blog posts and more. All the practical, real-world information small and midsize companies need to use technology to address their business issues as quickly and efficiently as possible.
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