Business Intelligence: Your Next StepBusiness Intelligence: Your Next Step
No huge revelation that more small and midsize companies are turning to BI to make better business decisions. And no huge surprise that SMBs are ahead of large enterprises in their deployment of SaaS-based BI vs. more expensive on-premises software.
No huge revelation that more small and midsize companies are turning to BI to make better business decisions. And no huge surprise that SMBs are ahead of large enterprises in their deployment of SaaS-based BI vs. more expensive on-premises software.In fact, the wealth of stats presented by a new Aberdeen Group study, "Business Intelligence for the Small to Medium Sized Business" (free PDF), while insightful, jibe with much of what bMighty has been reporting for a while now.
So less of a question is if than is how. IMHO, that's where Aberdeen's survey of some 650 SMBs is the most insightful, detailing the steps they should take to better reap BI's benefits based on how far along they are on the adoption curve (based on time to information, utilization of BI assets, employee productivity, and cost-per-user of BI apps). Here's a synopsis of what you should be thinking about:
Laggards (30% of surveyed SMBs)
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