Dear Readers, Please Pick My Google Notebook ReplacementDear Readers, Please Pick My Google Notebook Replacement
As we learned yesterday, Google's Notebook service -- <a href="">along with five others</a> -- is biting the dust at some point on the not-too-distant future. I want your help in choosing what I replace it with.
As we learned yesterday, Google's Notebook service -- along with five others -- is biting the dust at some point on the not-too-distant future. I want your help in choosing what I replace it with.I've used Google Notebook for well over a year to share bookmarks, leave myself notes, and store other odds and ends. Since Google is shutting the service down, I need to migrate to another service.
As a social experiment, I'd like information readers to chime in and vote on which service I should chose.
The options include Clipmarks, Delicious, Evernote, Magnolia, Springnote, Ubernote, and Zoho Notebook.
A few things to keep in mind. The types of content I want to be able to load in one of these seven programs will include notes, pictures, links, random text, audio, and more. The service will need to be able to handle all of that, and be accessible to me via both my phone and my PC.
I'll leave "voting" open for a week. Just add a comment below to cast a vote.
At the end of next week, I'll tally the vote, and set up a new account with whichever service gets the most votes. I'll also document the process and my experience with the new notebook service.
Thanks for your help!
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