Fortune Mag Paints CIOs As Clueless DorksFortune Mag Paints CIOs As Clueless Dorks
Anybody out there read <i>Fortune</i>? Did you know they just referred to CIOs as "geeks" who know nothing of corporate strategy, focus on server upgrades, have "limited social skills," hang out in "the wiring closet," and whose top value is "coding skills"? But due to the recession, <i>Fortune</i> says, "Tech execs get sexy." Did April Fool's Day come early, or is <i>Fortune</i> just showing its ignorance of the role played by CIOs and business technology in today's global economy?
Anybody out there read Fortune? Did you know they just referred to CIOs as "geeks" who know nothing of corporate strategy, focus on server upgrades, have "limited social skills," hang out in "the wiring closet," and whose top value is "coding skills"? But due to the recession, Fortune says, "Tech execs get sexy." Did April Fool's Day come early, or is Fortune just showing its ignorance of the role played by CIOs and business technology in today's global economy?The piece is really so pathetically naive and amateurish that I debated whether to give it more exposure than it merits. Ultimately, I decided to go ahead and highlight this nonsense because, in this age of cost-cutting, you might want to decide to cancel your subscriptions to a media brand that views you as one-dimensional knuckleheads:
"There was a time when the geeks who keep a company's tech systems running could get by without knowing the finer details of corporate strategy. You called the chief information officer when you needed a server upgrade, not a strategic plan.
Well, those days are over.
This downturn could mean the end of the sequestered CIO -- that rumpled executive who, like Scotty on Star Trek, has limited social skills and usually emerges from the engine room only when something blows up. In these tough times, CEOs are frequently calling tech chiefs out of the wiring closet and into the boardroom, and putting their business skills to the test."
Vote with your wallets, folks.
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