Go Daddy's New Super Bowl Ad Stalled By CensorsGo Daddy's New Super Bowl Ad Stalled By Censors
The domain registrar had problems with its 2005 Super Bowl ad, too; the Fox network canceled the scheduled second showing of the sexy ad after complaints from NFL executives.
Domain registrar Go Daddy Software Inc., which had its sexy 2005 Super Bowl ad pulled after only one showing, says it doesn't know whether it will get approval from ABC censors for the ad planned for next year's football championship.
In his blog, Bob Parsons, president and founder of the Scottsdale, Ariz., company, said Go Daddy hopes to air the ad during the Feb. 5 Super Bowl being held in Detroit.
"The challenge isn't to simply get an advertisement approved," Parsons said. "The challenge is to get an appropriate 'GoDaddy-esque' ad approved."
If the 2005 ad is any indication, then racy is an appropriate description of a "GoDaddy-esque" ad. The advertisement featured busty model Candice Michelle in a skit in which she was having trouble with the straps of her blouse while addressing a congressional committee.
The Fox network cancelled the scheduled second showing of the ad after complaints from NFL executives. Super Bowl ads last year reportedly sold for a record $2.4 million for a 30-second spot.
Parsons, who was not immediately available for comment Tuesday, said in his blog that in order for a television commercial to be effective, people have to either love or hate it. USA Today listed the Go Daddy Super Bowl ad as the fourth most liked and disliked ads of 2005, according to Parsons.
"That's about as polarizing as it gets," he said.
Go Daddy did get many complaints from customers, and would-be customers, but "that didn’t keep people from moving their business to Go Daddy in droves, and hardly anyone moved away," Parson said.
Privately held Go Daddy, founded in 1997, manages more than 10 million domains.
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