Google Funding Terrorism?Google Funding Terrorism?
That's just the tip of the iceberg. All the major search engines are helping pedophiles, Nazis, and murderers find information about all sorts of things. Car manufacturers are providing militant
A post yesterday on Search Engine Journal details claims by Jim Hedger from Webmaster Radio that Google's AdWords and AdSense programs are funding terrorist organizations.
That's just the tip of the iceberg. All the major search engines are helping pedophiles, Nazis, and murderers find information about all sorts of things. Car manufacturers are providing militants with materials to make car bombs. Airlines are spreading deadly diseases around the globe. Nike is providing footwear for fascists.Companies do have some responsibility for the use of their products and services. But there are limits. If Osama bin Laden downed some bottled water at some point in his life, does it make sense to condemn Evian for sustaining terrorism? Not really.
Google has people and computers looking out for all sorts of violations. Could it do more? Probably, but be careful what you wish for.
It would be a shame if Google followed the example of credit card companies, which disallow gambling charges, and denied its services to the unworthy, however that might be determined. Our tools should not come with law enforcement built in.
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