Great Web sites and RSS feeds for business Mac ownersGreat Web sites and RSS feeds for business Mac owners
There are a lot of wonderful sources for information that can help you manage Macs in a business environment. Here are the ones that I monitor every day.
There are a lot of wonderful sources for information that can help you manage Macs in a business environment. Here are the ones that I monitor every day.I discussed the Apple Developer Connection program last week. Even if youre not ready to pony up the $500 for the ADP Select subscription, you should sign up right away for the free ADC Online. Theres a lot of great information in their occasional newsletters.
In addition, I subscribe to two important Apple RSS feeds, one for Apple Support for Mac OS X, the other for Apple Security Bulletins. Add those to your favorite RSS reader! (Apple has many other RSS feeds, you should check them out.)
My favorite non-Apple sites for support are Mac OS X Hints and MacRumors. With them, you have to filter out a lot of noise about consumer-electronics gadgets, such as iPods and iPhones, but theres still plenty left about Macs.
The Mac OS X Hints site, in particular, has excellent information about application compatibility, bug fixes and workarounds, and server deployments. I follow both of those sites via their RSS feeds.
Finally, if your users have Microsoft Office on your Macs, the folks in Redmond maintain their own blog, Mac Mojo. Again, you should consider subscribing to the RSS feed.
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