HP Video - Them Servers Blow'd Up Real GoodHP Video - Them Servers Blow'd Up Real Good
Like many guys, I have to admit a certain fascination with explosions and explosives. If there had been a Patriot Act when I was a young man, I would almost certainly be blogging from a federal pen somewhere as I did combine my fascination with my studies as a chemistry major to make my own little toys. The statute of limitations having run out and the heat being on, so to speak, I limit myself to Mythbusters and other televised explosions. When surfing the Web this afternoon looking for good vi
Like many guys, I have to admit a certain fascination with explosions and explosives. If there had been a Patriot Act when I was a young man, I would almost certainly be blogging from a federal pen somewhere as I did combine my fascination with my studies as a chemistry major to make my own little toys. The statute of limitations having run out and the heat being on, so to speak, I limit myself to Mythbusters and other televised explosions. When surfing the Web this afternoon looking for good visuals for my Interop Disaster Recovery Cookbook workshop, I tripped across a video HP made where they blow up a simlulated data center with five racks of servers and an XP disk array. To see it yourself, go to this site.
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