Jobs Least Likely To Be OffshoredJobs Least Likely To Be Offshored
Hot jobs this year don't necessarily offer high salaries and great perks. Instead, they're the ones most likely to be offshore-resistant, according to Foote Partners.
Hot jobs this year don't necessarily offer high salaries and great perks. Instead, they're the ones most likely to be offshore-resistant, according to Foote Partners. These are the jobs that companies will keep in-house because they require business knowledge that takes time to acquire or expertise that isn't easily provided or managed from offshore.
Customer Facing
App developers
Web-apps programmers
Data-warehouse and business-intelligence specialists
ERP and CRM pros
Database developers and analysts
Help-desk specialists
IT or business architects
Business analysts
Business technologists
Business-process modelers
Project managers
Infrastructure Jobs
Data modelers
Network managers and engineers
Wireless engineers and administrators
Software engineers
Disaster-recovery specialists
System auditors and integrators
Storage administrators
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