Join The Windows Vista RoundtableJoin The Windows Vista Roundtable
Have you heard enough about Windows Vista yet? Unless you still use an <a href="" target="_blank">Underwood typewriter</a> to produce your daily reports, you've no doubt been bombarded with analysts, journalists, bloggers, and other pundits who have offered their opinion and advice about Microsoft's new operating system. But what about the people out there in the trenches -- the ones who will actually have to install, implement, and support Vist
Have you heard enough about Windows Vista yet? Unless you still use an Underwood typewriter to produce your daily reports, you've no doubt been bombarded with analysts, journalists, bloggers, and other pundits who have offered their opinion and advice about Microsoft's new operating system. But what about the people out there in the trenches -- the ones who will actually have to install, implement, and support Vista?After all, it's easy to praise -- or disparage -- Microsoft's new baby if your sole purpose is to write about it. But if you've got to think in the long term ("How many of my clients will upgrade? What will the users in the office do when they have to learn a new interface? How will it handle our legacy software?), then your perspective can be very different.
To get that that perspective, we recently invited six readers to a week-long roundtable discussion. Participants included IT managers, consultants, programmers, and CIOs; their reactions ranged from enthusiasm to caution to disdain. Over the course of the week, they discussed (among other things) the introduction of Vista, the likelihood that it would be adopted in their workplaces, the problems they've had running specific applications, why Microsoft should offer more working tools for developers, claims of increased security, and whether there's really any "wow" in Vista.
What do you think? Do the participants in the discussion have it right, or have they missed some important points? Are you going to install Vista soon, wait until you need to purchase new systems, or ignore it altogether? Take a look at the information Windows Vista Roundtable, and offer your own opinion here in the Comments section.
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