Logistics & Transportation:<BR>A Year In ReviewLogistics & Transportation:<BR>A Year In Review
How are companies that <I>information</I> considers as IT innovators changing to stay competitive? Examine year-over-year shifts in business-technology practices and priorities in this <I>information</I> 500 2002 and 2001 comparison.
2001 SnapShot 500/Logistics & Transportation Inside companies Average portion of revenue spent on IT 5% Portion of IT organizations that sell services or IT products to other companies 61% Portion of companies that say wireless E-commerce will contribute to E-business revenue stream 68% Senior IT executive is a member of executive management committee 93% Average portion of customers included in electronic supply chain 36% How companies divide their IT budgets New product and technology purchases 18% IT consulting and outsourcing 15% Research and development 4% Salaries and benefits 28% Applications 19% Everything else 16% How often companies re-examine their IT spending plans Daily - Weekly 4% Monthly 45% Quarterly 29% Twice a year 11% Annually 11% DATA: information RESEARCH
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