Management Tool for SharePoint Eases Compliance ConcernsManagement Tool for SharePoint Eases Compliance Concerns
Information has become more dispersed as workers have moved from behind their desks into the field. As they use tools, like Microsofts Sharepoint, companies need to ensure that there are no security breaches, and one such tool recently arrived.
Information has become more dispersed as workers have moved from behind their desks into the field. As they use tools, like Microsofts Sharepoint, companies need to ensure that there are no security breaches, and one such tool recently arrived.FileTek announced the Trusted Edge Desktop Compliance Suite for Microsoft SharePoint, which is designed to help small and medium businesses using SharePoint to comply with recent regulations, such as Sarbanes-Oxley, the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The emergence of such laws has forced businesses into a delicate balancing act. Employees are generating a growing volume of unstructured content, such as email notes and Word documents. Companies need to be able to let users work with such data but they also must be able to tag and then track that information so their organizations comply with the new legal regulations.
The Trusted Edge Desktop Data Management Suite classifies desktop generated information and data assets so companies can put procedures in place to manage the retention and disposal of this information. With it, system administrators can establish business policies to automatically categorize and tag assets upon their creation. Their self-describing attributes can then be routed to content management solutions, such as SharePoint.
The volume of unstructured data that small and medium companies find inside their walls continues to grow. Products, such as SharePoint, are becoming a place to house it. Small and medium businesses need tools to control that information, and FileTek is one vendor stepping up to meet that challenge.
How much unstructured data does your company have? How well do you think you do in managing it? Does your company have tools to monitor your unstructured data?
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