McAfee on What it Takes to be Successful with Enterprise 2.0McAfee on What it Takes to be Successful with Enterprise 2.0
The BrainYard - Where collaborative minds congregate.
On Friday Professor Andrew McAfee posted some thoughts on what it takes to be successful with Enterprise 2.0 based on his own observations in this area over the past couple years. More specifically, he described the key ingredients for success in "aspects of the technologies deployed, support for the deployment initiative itself, and the culture of the deploying company." Here are the factors he included:"Technologies* Tools are intuitive and easy to use* Tools are egalitarian and freeform* Borders seem appropriate to users* At least some of the tools are explicitly social* The toolset is quickly standardizedSupport for the Initiative* Incentives exist, and are soft* Excellent gardeners exist* Patient and dedicated evangelists exist* Energy and activity are primarily bottom-up* Effort has official and unofficial support from the top* Goals are clear and well-explainedCulture* People are trusted* Slack exists in the workweek* Helpfulness has been the norm* Top management supports lateralization* There are lots of young people* There is pent-up demand for better information sharing"You can read the post in its entirety here.
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