MySQL Nails Bugs In Maintenance ReleaseMySQL Nails Bugs In Maintenance Release
Open-source vendor MySQL AB issued a maintenance release that fixes a slew of bugs unveiled earlier this month by a study of the MySQL database code.
Open-source vendor MySQL AB issued a maintenance release Monday that fixes a slew of bugs unveiled earlier this month by a study of the MySQL database code.
MySQL version 4.0.17, which can be downloaded from the MySQL Web site, crushes all the valid defects discovered during October in an independent poll of the development community done by Reasoning, Inc., a provider of automated software inspection services.
In that survey, which was released earlier this month, Reasoning found 21 bugs in 236,000 lines of the MySQL 4.0.16 version code.
Even with those defects, Reasoning's study concluded that the quality of the MySQL open-source database code was six times better than that of comparable proprietary databases.
MySQL is available in versions for the Linux, Unix, Windows, Solaris, Mac OS X, HP-UX, and FreeBSD operating systems.
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