OMG! Teens Use IM More Than E-Mail :)OMG! Teens Use IM More Than E-Mail :)
Some 36% of teen girls said they can't imagine life without IM, while just 23% of boys felt the same way.
Instant messaging surpassed e-mail among teenagers with three of four teens favoring IM, according to a survey of instant messaging trends released Thursday. The AOL-Associated Press poll also found that one in four adults sends more IMs than e-mails.
The poll examined instant messaging trends among some 1,500 IM users. Adults are more likely to use IM than teens for audio chat, with 19% of adults saying they are likely to engage in audio chat to 15% for teens.
"This survey found that people are using instant messaging to share photos, listen to online radio, and get more done each day," said Marcien Jenckes, vice president and general manager, AIM & Social Networking at AOL.
Lest teenagers be accused of using IM just for frivolous activity, the survey found that more than one half of teens have used instant messaging to get help on homework. However, just 9% have used the messaging technology to communicate with a teacher.
Thirty-six percent of teen girls said they can't imagine life without IM while just 23% of boys felt the same way.
The survey was conducted for AOL-AP by Knowledge Networks.
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