Open Enterprise 2009: Tarun Upadhyay InterviewOpen Enterprise 2009: Tarun Upadhyay Interview
The BrainYard - Where collaborative minds congregate.
I recently had the chance to catch up with Tarun Upadhyay, the VP of Technologyt of Globalogic, a fast-growing outsourced development firm. Tarun and I have known each other for quite some time, and he has overseen the development of a company-wide information platform that links over 3000 staff with hundreds of clients, building innovative software of all descriptions.I found it fascinating that I couldn't really get Tarun to talk about technology. His biggest concerns are around finding the best and the brightest, to coordinate getting the right talents on client's projects.Tarun explained to me, after the interview, that he doesn't think that the technology platform they use -- based on wikis -- is that much of a big deal. He seems to think that it is commonplace in software development organizations worldwide. Despite being the lead technologist, his biggest concerns are intensely people-centric.
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