Outsourced SubwaysOutsourced Subways
As a New York City straphanger faced with ever increasing fares I'd like to familiarize officials at the Metropolitan Transporation Authority with the concept of HR outsourcing.
As a New York City straphanger faced with ever increasing fares I'd like to familiarize officials at the Metropolitan Transporation Authority with the concept of HR outsourcing.The New York Daily News reports Monday that the MTA employs 698 staffers in its human resources department. I'm no expert in HR to staff ratios, but that just seems like a lot. I'm thinking specialists at firms like Ceridian or Hewitt Associates might be just a tad more efficient and cost-effective in running the MTA's HR department. I'm not suggesting the MTA move its HR operations to India or some other offshore locale; then again, who wants to eventually pay five bucks for a subway ride?
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