Real-Time Business 2003Real-Time Business 2003
Are companies realizing the full potential of building a real-time enterprise? What are the keys to a successful real-time business process?
Speeding up the process of placing operational data into the hands of decision makers offers a company numerous competitive advantages. But are companies realizing the full potential of building a real-time enterprise? What are the keys to a successful real-time business process?
Which parts of your company would benefit the most from access to real-time information?
Which business or IT processes need to be collected or monitored in real time?
What amount of money needs to be allocated to support real-time operations?
information Research's Real-Time Business 2003, a research brief, answers these questions and more. The report provides insight into what companies are doing to provide pertinent information to key players both inside and beyond company firewalls. The study also identifies the most effective steps that organizations are taking to implement real-time business changes. Use this report to benchmark your organization's real-time business initiatives against 261 companies we interviewed for this study.
Pages: 6
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