Return to Work's Other Meaning: UnretirementReturn to Work's Other Meaning: Unretirement
Faced with economic pressures and a lack of daily interactions with co-workers, some network and IT managers who recently retired are considering that other return to office, namely unretirement.
Ever since pandemic restrictions eased up, there has been lots of discussion about the return to work in the context of people coming back into the office. Recently, the phrase has taken on a different meaning to describe a new industry trend: unretirement.
In a way, unretirement is the result of several issues that impact IT professionals and enterprises in various ways. First, businesses are having a hard time filling open positions as many workers have left the workforce.
One reason is that, in general, the shock, fear, and dread of the pandemic forced many workers to put their work/life balance into a new perspective, and they decided there were more important things than working 9 to 5. Some used the pandemic’s downtime to turn hobbies into businesses or develop new skills that allowed them to change careers. And others changed their lifestyles, cutting back on extravagances, dining in more, and reducing entertainment and non-essential expenses. Thus, they do not need as much income as before the pandemic.
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