Smartphone Plus Projector Equals Road Warrior HeavenSmartphone Plus Projector Equals Road Warrior Heaven
Imagine you're on the final legs of a never-ending road trip. You arrive at the 100th client meeting that week to deliver the <a href=";jsessionid=KWK2CMYEJP1ZMQSNDLRCKHSCJUNN2JVN?term=PowerPoint&x=0&y=0">PowerPoint</a> you slaved over for weeks. Just as you set up, the projector in the room goes dead. What do you do? Why not use the projector on your smartphone?
Imagine you're on the final legs of a never-ending road trip. You arrive at the 100th client meeting that week to deliver the PowerPoint you slaved over for weeks. Just as you set up, the projector in the room goes dead. What do you do? Why not use the projector on your smartphone?Well, right now you can't do that. But if Motorola has anything to say about it, this scenario will soon become a reality:
Motorola this week signed a deal to incorporate projector technology from Microvision in mobile devices, making it possible for people to project pictures and video on a wall or other large surface.
Microvision builds ultra-miniature laser-based projectors that provide a "big screen" viewing experience from mobile devices. The technology is offered as an easy way for users to share with friends and business associates multimedia applications, such as movies, personal videos, mobile TV, photographs and presentations.
This projector screen technology could have nearly countless applications -- from providing a bigger display screen to serving as a backup projector for your PowerPoint display. Heck, who needs a TV when you can just use your smartphone.
Like my colleague David DeJean, I too am psyched at the prospect of this add-on to my smartphones.
What do you think? Do you want a projector on your smartphone? Would you use on a daily or nearly daily basis?
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