Tim O'Reilly on Web 2.0 in the EnterpriseTim O'Reilly on Web 2.0 in the Enterprise
The BrainYard - Where collaborative minds congregate.
Tim O'Reilly did one of the keynote talks at Web 2.0 Expo this past week and did a great job. I'd recommend viewing his entire speech (embedded below) but I'll highlight a couple of the trends he emphasized in his talk. He spoke a lot about the adoption of Web 2.0 in the enterprise as a major trend and described "new rules where businesses get value." What are those new rules? In part it's about harnessing collective intelligence. He describes this as "Letting Users into your back office and then turning your company inside out so they can be part of all that data you have. Companies that get this and figure out how to execute on it will win. MoreTim also highlighted the growing importance of the web as a platform and the diminishing importance of the PC or even the mobile phone. The inclusion of the mobile phone in his statement caught me by surprise but he's right. As mobile phone continue to grow beyond voice communication their value is not in the information they hold or the applications they run. Their value is in the information they can access "in the cloud".It was a great week at Web 2.0 Expo. With all the gloom and doom news coverage about the economy it was refreshing to see technology innovation thriving at this conference and to hear such great optimism about the increasingly important role Web 2.0 will play in businesses moving forward.
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