Video: Rob Enderle, Aviva CIO Toby Redshaw Debate Tech FutureVideo: Rob Enderle, Aviva CIO Toby Redshaw Debate Tech Future
Got half an hour to slog through an interesting video? Then the online version of my 2008 <i>information</i> 500 panel, entitled "Get to the Point," is for you! Aviva CIO Toby Redshaw and noted analyst Rob Enderle debate a bunch of hot tech topics and -- get this -- they don't always agree.
Got half an hour to slog through an interesting video? Then the online version of my 2008 information 500 panel, entitled "Get to the Point," is for you! Aviva CIO Toby Redshaw and noted analyst Rob Enderle debate a bunch of hot tech topics and -- get this -- they don't always agree.The biggest point of contention between my two panels (I served as the moderator and question-asker) involved Apple. Redshaw said that this already is a done deal, while Enderle avered that Apple hasn't worked and played well with CIOs. "Here's a company that thinks CIOs are stupid," is how he put it.
Redshaw had a great comeback, though, saying: "I don't want to marry them; I just want to use their products."
Also of interest was Redshaw's position that social networking -- as in, collaboration -- does indeed have a place in business.
Trust me when I tell you that panel comes out interesting on the video. I've broken it up into two parts; the first half hour is below.
If you still don't want to slog through the tape, check out Enderle's short take on the event.
If you want to see more videos from the information 500 conference, you can go here for the virtual event.
What's your take on the panel? Let me know, by leaving a comment below or e-mailing me directly at [email protected].
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