Web Site Aggregates Google's 70 Blogs For Easy ViewingWeb Site Aggregates Google's 70 Blogs For Easy Viewing
The man behind Beyond Search's Overflight tool believes one simple aggregated site will appeal to users who don't have the inclination or time to plod through blogs.
Usually, you can Google Google's Web site, but you can't Google all of Google's blogs and aggregate them together in one place.
As of Monday, however, there is a Google aggregation tool that enables searchers to view Google blogs in one Web site.
It's called Beyond Search Overflight and it's been developed by Google watcher Stephen Arnold, who has written several books and research papers on the search engine colossus.
"Google makes the logs available, but it doesn't make them easy to access," said Arnold Monday as part of the site debut, which is still in testing stage. "The Web logs provide more customer information than Google executives do."
Arnold, who is managing director of search consulting firm Arnold IT, said he developed a similar service for clients who wanted to follow Google's business closer than they could by surfing through scores of Google blogs, which range far and wide from product information to developer services.
"Google has spawned an amazing number of news services, stories, and Web log postings," said Arnold. "Frankly, I was tired of seeing information that was stale. Many of the stories appear on the Google Web logs and then these are recycled as breaking news. I decided to put the source in front of people so individuals can decide if they want to get Google information that is a bit fresher."
Of course, surfers can find the information on their own or in some cases via RSS, but Arnold believes one simple aggregated site will appeal to users who don't have the inclination or time to plod through 70 Google blogs. "It's really a dashboard," said Arnold.
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