When all you can think about is ITWhen all you can think about is IT
So, you think you don't need no stinkin' full-time IT department?
So, you think you don't need no stinkin' full-time IT department?You think you're "tech-savvy" enough to manage your company's IT needs single-handedly or with the occasional help of a nerd-for-pay?
Sure, things may be swell for now. But when your business starts to hum, and you get to thinking about what a traffic spike could do to your servers, or whether your data is safe, pie-eyed ceiling-gazing will rule your nights.
That's when you might want to rethink your IT strategy.
"I'm surprised by how many start-ups out there don't make IT a high priority," says Toni Schneider, chief executive of Automattic, the Web development company responsible for WordPress, a popular weblog software platform. "There's a big competitive advantage if you have someone who owns [your IT] and thinks about it all the time."
Read the full story from Forbes.
Image copyright 2006, Rubber Stamps of America
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