Why An OS X-Based iPod MattersWhy An OS X-Based iPod Matters
Last week, we wrote about reports that <a href="http://www.information.com/blog/main/archives/2007/08/rumors_apple_to.html">the upcoming new line of iPods would be based on OS X.</a> Even as I wrote that, I was thinking, "So what? Why should the average iPod user care?" My colleague Antone Gonsalves <a href="http://information.com/news/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=201803003">provides the answer.</a></p>
Last week, we wrote about reports that the upcoming new line of iPods would be based on OS X. Even as I wrote that, I was thinking, "So what? Why should the average iPod user care?" My colleague Antone Gonsalves provides the answer.
Samir Bhavnani, analyst for Current Analysis West, said running the new iPods on the Mac OS would turn the iPod from a "dumb device" to a gadget that Apple could develop a lot more software and services for. "The potential is here to raise the utility of the iPod," he said. "Suddenly, it can do other things. It's like putting a master's degree in iPod."
That ties in with speculation from Macworld that at least one new model of iPod will basically be an iPhone minus the phone and Internet parts.
iPhone minus phone and Internet? Sounds like Apple would be re-inventing the PDA, a category of device that's been eclipsed by smartphones..
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