Why Steve Jobs Hates Enterprise ITWhy Steve Jobs Hates Enterprise IT
It's because buyers of enterprise IT are sometimes "confused."
It's because buyers of enterprise IT are sometimes "confused."There's a good piece on Monday Note about whether Steve Jobs did or didn't diss the Mac or declare the end of the PC era in his D8 Conference interview or during Apple's recent developer conference.
My favorite part of the Monday Note piece is it offers a guided tour to the D8 interview of Jobs, which I've been meaning to watch. It points to this bit from Jobs on his view of enterprise IT, at around the 28:30 mark:
What I love about the consumer market that I always hated about the enterprise market is that we come up with a product, we try to tell everybody about it, and every person votes for themselves. They go yes or no. And if enough of them say yes, we get to come to work tomorrow. You know? That's how it works. It's really simple. That's why in the enterprise market it's not so simple. The people that use the products don't decide for themselves. And the people that make those decisions sometimes are confused. We love just trying to make the best product in the world for people, and having them tell us by how they vote with their wallets whether we're on track or not.
iPhones will become a bigger part of business IT, and iPads will make their way into business roles as well. Anecdotally, I've had some CIOs tell me they're spending more time with Apple as a company. Just don't count on Apple ever knocking itself out to figure out how to be useful for businesses. That's going to continue to be your job.
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