Wireless Companies Talk Mobile 2.0 At Web 2.0Wireless Companies Talk Mobile 2.0 At Web 2.0
With all of the chatter about Web 2.0 for the desktop, it was great to hear progress is being made so mobile platforms can share in the mashup love.
With all of the chatter about Web 2.0 for the desktop, it was great to hear progress is being made so mobile platforms can share in the mashup love.This week's Web 2.0 Expo included several conversations about the importance of open standards. It was especially encouraging considering that developers would rather "write once and play everywhere." To do that, we have to be on the same page.
Of note from the keynote on Tuesday was Illkka Raiskinen's notion that there is no "killer app" but there should be a "killer cocktail." Mmmmm Mojitos... sorry about that. He actually means hitting the sweet spot using a combination of killer apps. As Steve Jobs so succinctly put it at the iPhone announcement: "The killer app is making calls."
OMA's Paola Tonelli also had great insight. She wants her profile to follow her around to any mobile device she is using. Thankfully, there are about 20 different companies -- including Nokia, Motorola and DoCoMo that are working on this. Once we get there, I doubt customers will imagine a world the way it is now.
Raiskinen also helped remind us that Nokia is quickly becoming an Internet company. Camera phones are certainly required for more fun with Flickr. And Nokia is expanding its reach with the launch of its widgets and Web Run-Time Web application development environment for developers. I saw a great example using Nokia's S60 on the show floor.
Equally impressive was Orb's MyCasting, which is a great compliment for the Nokia N800 Internet Tablet.
Another mobile vendor I thought stood out this week was Tira Wireless, which is working with Sony Entertainment on a promotional package that ties into the upcoming Spider-Man 3 movie.
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