App Predicts What You're Going To TypeApp Predicts What You're Going To Type
Fleksy is an app that can predict what you are typing without requiring you to type accurately. It is used by thousands of blind and visually impaired users. At CES, BYTE's Boonsri Dickinson interviewed Justin Thornton about how he uses Flesky.
Typing on a smartphone is usually a slow process — and autocorrect is often incorrect. An app called Fleksy may have the solution for your typing woes.
I spoke to Justin Thornton, who was at CES on behalf of Syntellia which makes the app Fleksy. It allows users to type inaccurately and corrects it using a text prediction engine.
Watch my interview with Justin:
The app is available for iOS and Android. Fleksy is used by thousands of blind and visually impaired users, according to Syntellia. Currently, it is only available for US English, but Spanish, French, and Italian versions are under development.
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