Global CIO: The Excellent Opportunity Facing CIOsGlobal CIO: The Excellent Opportunity Facing CIOs
CIOs today are in the perfect position to lead the next wave of customer-centric business evolution.
Here are some tangible examples of how a handful of companies are transforming parts of their businesses to meet shifting customer requirements, culled from a pile or diverting articles from The Wall Street Journal over the past several weeks. As I was looking at some of them over the weekend, they coalesced into the larger theme of active, market-facing innovation versus terrified paralysis. Plus, to add a little spice, I've set those anecdotes up as a true/false quiz:
True or false:
Procter & Gamble and its buff-topped icon, Mr. Clean, now operate car washes.
Xcel Energy can remotely turn down thermostats in the homes of private citizens.
Kodak is changing its name to Kodiak and acquiring Build-A-Bear.
McDonald's offers leather seats, flat-screen TVs, and high-end coffee while feeding 58 million people a day.
Wal-Mart runs a traditional retail bank that serves consumers and finances suppliers.
The U.S. Postal Service is debuting yellow sticky-pads called "Postal Notes."
Oracle sells hardware and Cisco sells servers.
Lexus leases parking garages and lets only Lexuses park on the first floor.
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