Hyperion, OpenPages Team On Sarbanes-OxleyHyperion, OpenPages Team On Sarbanes-Oxley
As part of an integration of the two companies' applications, Hyperion's Web-based dashboard product is now able to tap the OpenPages data store.
Compliance management software firm OpenPages partnered with Hyperion Solutions in an effort to improve the reporting capabilities of OpenPages' Sarbanes-Oxley software.
As part of an integration of the companies' applications, Hyperion's Web-based dashboard product is now able to tap the OpenPages data store. The latter product, called SOX Express, combines document and business process management to make it possible for executives to enforce internal controls related to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
OpenPages plans deeper integration with the Hyperion technology in the future, an OpenPages spokesman said. OpenPages has approached other business intelligence vendors, including Cognos and Business Objects, to establish more agreements similar to the one with Hyperion.
SOX Express includes simple reporting capability, but the deal with Hyperion will allow OpenPages to offer more sophisticated ad hoc reporting and analysis functionality.
Under terms of the agreement, OpenPages will market Hyperion reporting applications to its customer base.
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