Keeping Up With The Linux KernelKeeping Up With The Linux Kernel
Linux kernel development is a serious, and very complicated, process. You don't have to be a programmer, however, or even a Linux power user, to appreciate the end result -- especially when a new version of the Linux kernel hits the street.
Linux kernel development is a serious, and very complicated, process. You don't have to be a programmer, however, or even a Linux power user, to appreciate the end result -- especially when a new version of the Linux kernel hits the street. Wednesday evening, Linus Torvalds announced the release of the Linux 2.6.25 kernel. It's the first significant kernel update in about two months; besides the usual clutch of bug fixes and driver tweaks, it includes some interesting improvements in areas such as memory management, system security, and power management.
Why should you care about stuff like this? If you don't use Linux now and don't plan to use it anytime soon, maybe you shouldn't. If you do use Linux, however, or if you're at least curious about the Linux development process, this is a good chance for me to point you at the Linux Kernel Newbies site ( Among many other things, this site maintains an excellent Linux kernel changelog that lists the changes and updates you'll find in every new kernel release. The changelogs are written mostly for people interested in getting into Linux kernel development, but they are also very well-organized, and they are surprisingly accessible to knowledgeable non-developers.
Aside from getting the latest scoop on what's new with the Linux kernel, the Linux Kernel Newbies site also provides some great insights into the kernel development process. If you're interested in weighing the pros and cons of open-source versus proprietary software development, this site is a great resource -- check it out, use it as a starting point for finding other open-source information resources, and enjoy!
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