My Own Linux Distro: The BeginningMy Own Linux Distro: The Beginning
Here's a project I've been thinking about for a good long time, and which I've finally decided to get under way in public: I'd like to try and build my own custom Linux distribution.</p>
Here's a project I've been thinking about for a good long time, and which I've finally decided to get under way in public: I'd like to try and build my own custom Linux distribution.
There's a whole slew of reasons I want to do this. Obviously, I'd like to learn more about Linux from the inside out, which is never a bad thing. I also want to get a flavor for the issues involved in working with Linux on that level -- why certain decisions are made about things, what the consequences are for making such decisions, and so on. And finally, it sounds like a heck of a lot of fun -- the kind of tinkering that I could really sink my teeth into.
The first thing I want to nail down are the design goals for this distribution:
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