Obama Beating Romney On FacebookObama Beating Romney On Facebook
Nearly five times as many people are talking about Obama's Facebook page as Romney's, according to SocialBakers research.
I've written previously about the role of online tools in Obama's 2008 victory and about the online campaign updates for 2012.
Disclosure: Because I'm not a political reporter, I don't hold myself to the standard of remaining non-partisan. I was a local organizer for Obama in 2008 and run a local organizing website for Democrats in Broward County, Florida.
I don't think any of that is terribly relevant to this report--I didn't make up these numbers. I may be a little happier to report them than if I were a Republican, but I also know its votes not "Likes" that will count in the end.
Infographic courtesy of SocialBakers
Follow David F. Carr on Twitter @davidfcarr. The BrainYard is @thebyard and facebook.com/thebyard
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